Jeff Frum

Jeff Frum is dedicated to enhancing the well-being of those within his sphere of influence. From his years transforming surgical techniques in the medical device industry to driving innovative models of care for those at the end of life, Jeff is deeply committed to assisting leaders in discovering and realizing their unique purposes.
In his role as Silverado’s company spokesperson, Jeff has honed a practical "master's degree" in crisis communications, navigating challenges with the media, families, and professionals during the recent pandemic and subsequent legal hurdles. Grounded in the core values of Silverado's Love>fear culture, Jeff has played a pivotal role in fortifying the resilience of the company's leaders during difficult periods.
Guided by his faith, Jeff, alongside his wife, fervently advocates for the vulnerable. Their commitment is evident in the adoption of two sons from Africa and their active involvement in efforts to eliminate human trafficking and combat the commercial exploitation of children within the United States.